Shapeshift Entertainment

 A part-time games company - for passionate part-timers!

Games in Development

Fantastic Findings - Hidden Seasons

Release Q4 2025


To be announced

Released Games:

Chicks & Tricks VR
Is a 2-player local-multiplayer party game for VR. The farmer and the fox battle together in catching as many chickens as they can! Earn a point for every chicken the farmer has saved or the fox has eaten. The player with the most points wins the round.

It was originally created at Nordic Game Jam 2019; by Alexander, Marc, Mike & Bering and released same year after polishing on the art, gameplay and the concept in our spare time.

There are no longer any updates planned for Chicks & Tricks

About us

Shapeshift Entertainment is a part-time games company for passionate part timers! Established 2017. Located in Horsens, Denmark. Our story started as a foundation to develop and release hobby games, made during evenings and weekends, to be able to create fun and entertaining games, whilst having the comfort of working in a fulltime job. This gives us the possibility to create and publish passion projects and explore our ideas in game development, without being dependent on deadlines, financial success or go on a compromise on idea, gameplay or scope. We get to work on exactly what we want and share it worldwide!

Press & Influencers

Press & Influencer inquiries only! (Note: Replies may take long)

 As we are a part time business:

  • - Sorry; we do not offer jobs or internships!
  • - Sorry; We do not accept game ideas
  • - For Game feedback, bugs or refunds please inquire via steam
  • - Sorry; We do not hand out steam keys to non-press or non-influencers